"Christian Hudon" wrote:
>On Jul 7, Jason Westervelt wrote
>> nah.. that only gets a few other icons to pop up... don't ask why, but
>> the TOP button (the one that has the lock buttons, shutdown, etc) will
>> ** NOT ** have an icon until you install procps and xproc..  very
>> weird.. 
>Even if you don't "swallow" an xload into your afterstep dock? Now, *that*
>would be odd.
>  Christian

Speaking of xload, where did it go?  I'm sure I saw it is still
available somewhere, but why doesn't it come standard with the rest of
X anymore?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]/GNU--1.3---Linux--2.0.30---
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take everything into consideration, and protect against every
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devotion to laziness:  you wage a war to save typing later.

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