On Wed, 09 Jul 1997 18:22:35 PDT "Eliezer Figueroa" 

> 1. What is IP Masquerading?

It's having a machine doing forwarding while pretending all the 
connections it forwards comes from itself. It serves hinding subnets 
or machines from the ouside (for example because you have a subnet 
which has no officially allocated IP addresses and your masquerading 
host has one).

> 2. What is IP forwading?

It's a machine that can forward automatically packets between two 
interfaces. A machine doing IP fw between two interfaces is sometimes 
called a gateway. Which 3 or more, it's called a router.

> 3. What is faster for a internet router IP Masquerading or a Proxy 
> Server?

IP masq is faster I believe.
It's also completely transparent.
Ip masq works with all TCP services (including the most exotic ones).
With the firewalling capabilities, one can also deny forwarding some requests, 


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