I sent this message out this morning but our backbone was down so I'm
pretty sure it didn't get out.  

My PPP connection seems to be working well except that certain
things keep hanging it.  My dial-in works fine.  I can run ping or
telnet sessions for any amount of time without a problem.  Problems
occur with FTP and Netscape.

Even FTP works fine to connect to a site.  But when I download
a file it will work for awhile, then the whole PPP connection dies.
I downloaded a 132k file and it got to 120k and then all my 
connections died out.

The same thing happens with Netscape.  I can browse a couple
of sites, but eventually it dies too.  All of my connections freeze
up and netscape just keeps spinning as if it's still looking for 

Then I have to go kill -9 all of my open internet sessions including
my PPP and I can't get a good dial-up again until I reboot the 
machine.  ppp.log doesn't seem to show any big error messages

Can someone offer any help?  This is really becoming frustrating.
BTW, I'm running Deb 1.2 



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