On Fri Jul 11 17:03:41 -0500 1997, Timothy J. Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>       I'm attempting a new install on the ThinkPad 365XD w/800x600
> display, 40Mb RAM, CDROM and external floppy; at boot, the system reports
> root.bin loaded, then linux, then it simply halts.

I have a similar system.  Bootup from the install disks for me was
always *extremely* flaky.  I've found that if you wait until the
system hangs, turn off the machine, then turn it back on again (and
mutter the right incantation :-), it will boot up normally.  Lilo will
also hang the machine, but LOADLIN works well.  So you'll have to keep
some portion of your W*n95 partition and boot up from an appropriate
batch file.

>       I've created 3 rescue disks on three different diskettes from two
> different downloads, and all have exhibited the same problem.  Booting
> "linux floppy=thinkpad" has no observable effect.  All were built from
> this machine, a ThinkPad 760LD running Debian 1.3 (that I'm *trying* to
> replace).

NOTE: you don't need to use this switch for the 365XD (at least on
mine).  I think this problem has been fixed on later ThinkPads. YMMV.

>       The ThinkPad 760LD is running an upgrade from Debian 1.2.  I
> didn't have any boot problems with the initial Debian 1.1 installation on
> the 760LD, *or* with the complete reinstall I did with Debian 1.2.  The
> linux-2.0.30 without modifications; in the past it has also booted the
> 2.0.27, 28, and 29.
>       I've not ever had any significant base install problems on
> various ThinkPads until this one (365XD).  Anyone have any ideas?
> -- 
> PGP Fingerprint: 
>              BC AB 28 19 A6 A4 FF 5B  CA 4D B4 03 3A A7 F4 5C

X is also a pain to install if you have a DSTN display.  There's
something funky with the Xfree86 3.3 SVGA server and the 365XD DSTN
display, so you might want to install Xfree86 3.2 instead.  I hear
that things are easier with a TFT.

Immanuel V. Yap         e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Graduate Student                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Plant Breeding          office: (607) 255-3103
320 Bradfield Hall      home:   (607) 256-7034
Cornell Univeristy
Ithaca, NY 14853

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