On Mon, 14 Jul 1997, David Wilde wrote:

> Firstly let me say that I have never used Linux and I am learning as I go
> along.
> I have installed debian ver 1.2 on a second hard drive on my PC. I didn't
> encounter any real problems during installation so I assume everything is OK.
> Now I would like to install a GUI (fvwm) and I have downloaded a copy of
> the same from the Web. I copied the file onto a floppy but I cannot access
> my A:/ drive.

If you configure Linux for networking, you will be able to access the
Internet directly via your ISP.  You can then use dselect to retrieve and
install Debian packages directly from ftp.debian.org or its mirrors. 

> During startup I have established the following:
>       hda1  is my DOS drive containing Win95
>       hdb   is my CDROM
>       hdc1  is my Linux Swap
>       hdc2  is my Linux Native
>       fd0   is my 1.44M Floppy
> I used the command  "df" and all it shows is:
>       /dev/hdc2
> Why can I not see/access my other drives? Have I not done something? Any
> help would be much appreciated.

You have to mount the partitions before Linux can access them.  See the
man pages on mount and fstab.  ('man mount' and 'man fstab')

To mount your floppy drive, you should use something like:

mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt,

where this drive will show up in your file system as /mnt.

fstab is a file which describes which partitions you want to mount when
the system boots, or at least preconfigure so that you can mount them
later with a simplified version of the mount command.  For instance, here
is a portion of my /etc/fstab file:

/dev/hda7                 /                     ext2   defaults 1 1
/dev/hda6                 /usr                  ext2   defaults 1 1
/dev/hda5                 /dos                  vfat   defaults,umask=000 0 0
/dev/hdc                  /cdrom                iso9660 defaults,noauto,user 0 0
/dev/fd0                  /floppy               ext2   defaults,noauto,user 0 0
/proc                     /proc                     proc   defaults
/dev/hda8                 none                      swap   sw

/dev/hda6 and /dev/hda7 are Linux ext2 partitions.  You probably already
have something like this in your /etc/fstab.  I have added /dev/hda5,
which is a Win 95 partition and /hdc, my cdrom.

If your kernel doesn't support vfat, you can use type msdos for 8.3
filenames on the dos drive.  

> Lastly, can anyone point me to a good Newbie FAQ?????

I'd recommend a good book, such as 'Running Linux' by Matt Welsh and Lar
Kaufmann, published by O'Reilly and Associates.


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