Kevin J Poorman hat gesagt: // Kevin J Poorman wrote: ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> Hi.
> I just got a new hard drive and wish to transfer my root fs to this new
> drive as it is larger....
> now to the hard part ...
> I Tryed to do a cp -a * /mnt (where the new hd was mounted)
> but it sat there cp'ing files for an hour and never got past the proc
> directory .... did I do something wrong ...
> I know that before on this list some published a way to do this with tar
> I would like to do it that way if posible ....

I don't like all this tar-tricks people normally suggest, 
because I am to stupid to remember them ;)

A simple solution is the "-x"-switch to cp (Try "man cp").
"copy -ax" copies everything only out of the one filesystem where you started.

/proc is another `filesystem` so it won't get copied to your "/mnt"-directory.

I think that is what you wanted to do in the first place.

After you're done you will have to create a /proc directory in /mnt and edit 
the mount table in /etc/fstab.


                                Frank Barknecht


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