Shaya Potter wrote:

> WinOS2 not an emulator per say, it's based on the same code that Microsoft
> used in win 3.1, but patched by IBM so that it could load on top of OS/2.
> Therefore, if you have a copy of it, you can also use it to load on top of
> dosemu.  However, remember to legally use it, you must own a copy of os/2.
> Then again, you could probably find an old version of Os/2 (like 2.0)
> lying around somewhere for cheap.
> Shaya


I have OS/2 Warp 3.0 with Winos2.  Has anyone actually used Winos2 on top of
dosemu.? If so would you describe the steps necessary to do this or point me to
information which describes these steps?



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