Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to buy a new box and wonder about some alternatives to the
> Intel (compatible ... I think of K6) architecture.  I've got the
> following information from Johannes Ramm-Ericson:

[Apple stuff snipped]

> I need a very stable system on my new box because I will use it far distant
> from the internet (the prices of phone calls are quite high in Germany).
> I can't relay on the good support of the mailing lists and can't load some
> packages via ftp.

"Stable" could be defined as "Time Tested" or perhaps "Self-Proven"
which is what Linux on intel machines seems to be.  It doesn't hurt that
it started there and tends to be the first place where new software runs
on.  That damn market share thing is definitely a factor also...
> Is there anybody who would recommend to by a PowerMac if it is the better
> (faster) hardware or shoul I stick to the Intel compatible?

BUT, I myself have used MkLinux (I know, it's slower) to do real work at
work for CHRP development (that's Common Hardware Reference Platform),
and it is pretty stable even though it is pretty young.

The new PowerPC chips (the next generation, called "G3" or 740/750 or
Arthur or Mach V...) are, well, FAST.  I haven't run any linux
benchmarks on them, but I intend to once the "Money-making OS" is
running on them officially.

So, basically, the decision is similar to decing between Alpha and Intel
linux... the Alpha is FAST, but there are still more linux pieces out
there built and tested on intel boxes.  Personally, I have a PPro box,
it works, and I will probably end up with a CHRP box running some PPC
Linux as well (when we ship the darn thing!).

Hope that helped in some way


ps I recall reading somewhere that there would eventually be a
Debian-PPC, which would most likely support CHRP hardware, but I'm not
sure where that is in reality.  Check for more
info on kernel ports, and the site at apple
( has info and links.

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