I just bought a Ultrasound sound card, used.  It's up and working fine
but the audio cable that came with my cdrom drive wont fit the pins on the card.

Did I miss something?
Jason Killen                                     Question Stupidity
Mama's don't let your babies grow up to be Linux hackers 
Monolith : the new ANSI standard for humans     
PGP fingerprint = 64 71 48 14 31 AE C6 70  E4 4F 64 EB 3B AA 00 6B

Jason Killen                                     Question Stupidity
Mama's don't let your babies grow up to be Linux hackers 
Monolith : the new ANSI standard for humans     
PGP fingerprint = 64 71 48 14 31 AE C6 70  E4 4F 64 EB 3B AA 00 6B

Jason Killen                                     Question Stupidity
Mama's don't let your babies grow up to be Linux hackers 
Monolith : the new ANSI standard for humans     
PGP fingerprint = 64 71 48 14 31 AE C6 70  E4 4F 64 EB 3B AA 00 6B


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