On 16 Jul, Stephen Witt wrote:
> I have some experience with xntp on a group of Sun workstations I used
> to have. xntp is a lot more sophisticated than just querying for the
> time and setting it locally every n period of time.


One thing I have noticed; PC clocks are pieces of junk.  Mine drifts
obscenely if I don't run xntp constantly.  Now, I had a very nice
connection for nine months out of the last year, and because of xntp,
my clock was more accurate than the school's main bells.

There's a down side, of course; it really works best when xntp can
correct the drift whenever it feels like it.  I have a (non demand
based; we've only got the one line, and it's rude of me to snatch it
away all the time) PPP connection now, and occasionally I lose several
hours for obscure reasons, and have to reset my clock.  I imagine this
will be much better when I can get my authentic real connection again
in a few months.
Graham Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       MIME OK, PGP preferred

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