On Thu, 17 Jul 1997, Kevin M. Bealer wrote:

> After trying all sorts of measures, I have found one that seems so far
> to reliably fix the problem: run it with the case off.  Since there is
> unlikely to be any "grounding problems" because of the way the case is
> laid out (its a full tower, the case is really just a "wrapper" for a
> solid frame, and touches no components), it is almost certainly
> thermal.

Hehe, bet the gigabyte isn't using a switching power supply :> Find the
voltage regulators, very large heat sinks off the MB and touch them, they
should be excessively hot (Cant keep your finger on them). You might want
to put a fan near/on/over them to cool those puppies off. I know my MB has
3 large heatsinks on the voltage regulators, they get hotter than the CPU! 

I also have a P5 MB with a switching power supply built in, it has no heat
sinks and still carries the same load..


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