First off:  Is is necessary to recompile the kernel in order to get
my sound card to work under Linux?

I have attempted to follow the instructions in the Kernel-HOW-TO:

but to no avail.  I downloaded and installed the kernel source from
the debian ftp site with dselect, did make menuconfig, make dep,
make clean, make zImage, make zlilo and lilo.

Every step did something (make zImage took more than 10 minutes), but
when it was all over I rebooted and the old kernel was still running.

Once again I am unable to interpret the HOW-TO instructions (in fact those
HOW-TO's have really been no help at all), and turn to the readers of this
list for help.

How do I recompile the kernel?  Alternatively: Does anyone know a URL for
some better instructions?

Thank You
David Densmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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