
Actually the package is called bin86 and it can be found from the devel 
section in both stable and unstable. Here's the description:

Description: Assembler and loader for kernel compilation. 

     This is the as86 and ld86 distribution written by Bruce Evans.
     It's a complete 8086 assembler and loader which can make 32-bit
     code for the 386+ processors (under linux it's used only to
     create the 16-bit bootsector and setup binaries). 

Paul Miller wrote:
> David Densmore wrote:
> > 
> > make[1]: Entering directory
> > `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.30/arch/i386/boot'
> > as86 -0 -a -o bootsect.o bootsect.s
> > make[1]: as86: Command not found
> > make[1]: *** [bootsect.o] Error 127
> > make[1]: Leaving directory
> > `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.30/arch/i386/boot'
> > make: *** [zImage] Error 2
> > 
> > Do I really need to recompile the kernel to get my sound card to
> > work?
> it may be helpful to install the package containing "as86" .. sorry I
> can't help more.. it's probably a default package because mine works
> fine.
> -Paul

// Heikki
Heikki Vatiainen                  * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tampere University of Technology  * Tampere, Finland

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