Ralph Winslow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> That jibes with the O'Reilly article; apache 60%, Netscape ~25%??, MS
> ~10%, the rest <7%.

http://www.netcraft.co.uk/survey/ has the numbers.  Not statistics,
numbers: Netcraft looks at about 1.3 million servers each month.  The
most important numbers are below.



                            Top Developers
Developer               Jun 97  Percent Jul 97  Percent Change  
Apache                  489695  43.83   512768  42.62   -1.21   
Microsoft               186079  16.66   203316  16.90   0.24    
Netscape                135387  12.12   141504  11.76   -0.36   
NCSA                    68278   6.11    67705   5.63    -0.48    
O'Reilly                38167   3.42    39038   3.24    -0.18   


Apache                  489695  43.83   512768  42.62   -1.21   
Microsoft-IIS           167759  15.02   186799  15.53   0.51    
NCSA                    68278   6.11    67705   5.63    -0.48   
Netscape-Enterprise     50423   4.51    54438   4.52    0.01    
Netscape-Communications 36244   3.24    37319   3.10    -0.14   
Netscape-Commerce       37359   3.34    37227   3.09    -0.25   

Netscape is the sum of sites running Netscape-Enterprise,
Netscape-FastTrack, Netscape-Commerce, Netscape-Communications,
Netsite-Commerce &amp; Netsite-Communications.
Microsoft is the sum of sites running
Microsoft-Internet-Information-Server, Microsoft-IIS, Microsoft-IIS-W,
Microsoft-PWS-95, &amp; Microsoft-PWS.

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