"Robert D. Hilliard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>      What is the standard (if there is a standard) routing that MTAs
> use to route bounced mail?  Do they use the FROM: field or the
> Return-Path: field?

It should be the Return-Path: field (or rather, the MAIL FROM: SMTP
command that was used to generate the Return-Path:) but it isn't
always.  If you've been using any mailing list for a while, you've
probably seen bounced mail go to either the list itself or back to
you, when it should go to the list manager (debian-user-request in
this list's case).  The MTA's doing this are broken, though.

                Carey Evans  <*>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"these are not inherent flaws in [NT] -- they don't happen by accident.
 They are the result of deliberate and well-thought-out efforts." - MS

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