Stig Are M. Botterli wrote:
> On 16-Jul-97 Rick Hawkins wrote:
> >> My conclusion is if I buy my new boc next week I should buy a Intel,
> >> if I buy next year PPC or Alpha. Right?
> >
> >this is pretty much what i've come to.  If i could buy an atx ppc
> >motherboard now, I would.  but i can't, so i won't :(  And I'm not
> >willing to own another apple proprietary design which is, for all
> >intents and purposes, not upgradable ($1500 to replace the motherboard
> >so that i can have a ne $500 processor is not "upgradable").
> For those of you interested in CHRP PPC machine, take a look at
> Seems like a very flexible system, and it will be shipping
> with Linux and BeOS. I know what my next computer will be.

Well, I don't want to toot my company's horn too loudly, esp. about
unannounced products, but we're coming out with some cool CHRP stuff as
well, including processor upgrades, and some other cool stuff.  The
point of this particular post is not to get into that at the moment,

I am planning, some time in the next few days, to run benchmarks of
Apple's MkLinux on single-processor Arthur (w/backside cache) and
inline-cache PowerPC machines.  I hope also to have linux-pmac running
to try the same stuff.

I'll post the results here if anyone is interested.

For the time being, I am planning to use the byte benchmark, and would
appreciate any other suggested benchmarks.

Elsewhere, I have read that the monolithic linux-pmac is several
percentage points faster than MkLinux in a few areas,  but I am hoping
that the more stable one (whichever that ends up being, if any, on the
hardware) will give a useful indication of performace...

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