Paul McDermott wrote:
> Hi folks, I installed the netscape communicator for linux, from netscape ftp
> site. I unpacked it and ran the ns-install program.  Everything works
> except when I start netscape I get the following error.
> Netscape error: no valid encryption policy file was found for this
> english language version of communicator.  all encryption and decrytion
> will be disabled.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Paul

I finally wound up doing a chown from root to vtorrico on the file
/home/vtorrico/.netscape/policyMoz40P1.jar which seems to solve it for me.  Of
course I'm only using PPP through an ISP so permissions are not a big deal with
me.  All incoming networking stuff is disabled so no one should be able to mess
with my files.


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