On Mon, 21 Jul 1997 09:46:42 MDT Lazar Fleysher ([EMAIL PROTECTED]
.gov) wrote:

> I have a pentium computer with a dual IDE controller, but BIOS can access
> only primary channel.
>          Will Linux be able to 'see' both channels? (hope it is a yes...)

Yes. Of course :-)

> I have tried to install second HD on the primary channel and .....  
> Hard drive from Western Digital is not recognized at all, but BIOS can
> find a Seagate one.  Nevertheless, when I turn on the computer BIOS says
> that the new HD did not pass POST, press F1 to continue and computer boots
> from my old Panasonic drive, but very slowly... After that if I warm
> reboot the computer, everything is fine.

Is the second HD configured as slave and the first configured as 
It sometimes looks dumb to say this, but some HD come with three-way 
settings (alone, master, slave).


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