On Thu, 17 Jul 1997, Bob Clark wrote:

> A couple of months ago I convinced a friend
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) to change over from slackware to debian;
> and in turn convinced some other people to do the same.  He
> was impressed (as I knew he would be) with debian until...
> he upgraded to Xfree-3.3, now X no longer works.  He's got
> an S3V card and I remember seeing other posts to this list
> about similar problems.  The archives at ftp.debian.org
> don't have July postings yet and I didn't find anything in
> the June archive.
> Would someone be so kind as to post (re-post?) some possible
> solutions.  I thought a downgrade to 3.2 would do the trick
> but it seems the 3.2 pakages are gone.  

I have an S3Virge card and have XFree86 3.3 working fine, now.

Two things to try:

- Use the new svga server instead of the s3v server. 
It works much better for me.
- Give the existing XF86Config another name and rerun xf86setup.

If it still doesn't work, look at the output of the xserver on the
console and repost if there is something unusual in it.


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