Hi, I'm trying to setup a diskless workstation using Debian. In the not so near 
future this can grow to a lab with 10 or more diskless WS's, and I'm just 
exploring right now.

I installed nfsroot (it's the one in hamm as of 07/22, 0.5-1 I think), read 
use.doc, and also NFSroot and NFSroot-Client howto's. So far, nfsroot looks 
promising. I set up everything according to use.doc, and as far as I can tell, 
everythig's OK. First I used the kernel provided by nfsroot but later I rolled 
one of my own that had everythig that the howto's and use.doc pointed out. The 
client boots, sends a BOOTP request, the server answers, the client gets it's 
IP and mounts root... and that's it. It freezes there. I scanned the logs on 
the server but there's nothing that seems to be related to this. Where do I 
look for possible problems? (The server machine is hamm, as close to lastest as 
my local mirror is... that would be, master.debian.org's contents as of 
07/22/97 ~1200 GMT)

As far as I can remember, after printing "VFS mounted root..." the machine 
should print "Switching to runlevel 4", but it doesn't. What does the machine 
run to make the switch?


                                Marcelo Magallon

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