I wrote:
> But why is it good to choose names that don't reflect *anything*?

Scott K. Ellis writes:
> They do, they are the codename for the version,...

What secrets are being protected by this code?

> ...similar to the codenames that Microsoft...

Oh.  Well, if *Microsoft* does it, it *must* be a good idea.

Obscure code names are ok in closed development where the only people who
need to know the names deal with them all day every day and so will learn
them quickly.  In open development, they are confusing.

> The sequence (buzz, rex, bo, hamm) follows names of characters in the
> Pixar animated movie, "Toy Story".

Cartoon character names are somehow supposed to be mnemonics for Debian

> There was some brief discussion of calling Debian 2.0 "woody", after the
> main character of the movie, but we quickly realized the possible
> unwanted confusion that would result.

Doesn't seem any more or less confusing than "bo", "rex", etc.
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