> Can dosemu be installed if DOS is not installed?
DOS does not have to be installed on the hard-drive for dosemu to be installed.
Some version of DOS must be available for dosemu to be able to "boot" thou

It does *not* have to be MS-DOS.  I've been running DR-DOS for years under
dosemu.  Caldera has OpenDOS (which is a descendant of DR-DOS via Novell DOS)
and there is a version called FreeDOS (fdos) that is included with the
latest versions of dosemu.

I've not worked with fdos much - I'm trying to cut down on my reliance on
*any* version of DOS - thou I have heard that lredir does not work with fdos.

That may have changed recently, I haven't checked.

The documentation that comes with dosemu has gotten much better in the past
few months, so I'd recommend that you install the latest dosemu*.deb and
spend an evening reading the docs - it will do wonders for your understanding
of how to get dosemu to boot.

As with any Linux/Debian package, there are many different ways in-which you
can configure dosemu.  It can access a DOS file-system on a partition of
your hard-drive, it can access floppies, it can access floppy disk images,
it can access hard-drive images, and with lredir it can access directories
in the Linux file-system.  All in all a very cool utility.

> Alan Davis

Good Luck!

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