On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, dada wrote:

> I instaled "bind" pakage to make an DNS server to my local area network
> (to learn how setup it).
> Before install it, Netscape works fine. But now,ie: when I open and web
> page in my hardisk,Netscape don't work fine (it wait too much time and I
> have to kill it,becouse it newer open that page). If I stop the deamon
> "named" and re-run Netscape,it works fine.

        Here is what my powerful divination talents tell me.
        You only have problems when you are not connected to the Internet.
What happens is that Netscape reads the file, and for some reason tries to
resolve an address that it contains. So it queries the local name server,
i.e. your local bind server. But most probably your server does not have
the necessary information in its local file. Thus it tries to contact
another name server on the Internet. But since it's offline the UDP
messages are not answered and eventually time out. After trying many times
it will definitely give up. This is why netscape seems dead.
        It may even happen that if you try to use the menus you
will have to kill you X session. At least that's what happened to me.
 - Stop using bind.
 - Change the named.boot file depending on whether you are connected
or not. When not connected don't use forwarders.
 - Set up dial on demand AND arrange for the DNS resolution packets to
trigger the connection.

Francois Gouget
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                http://www.mygale.org/~fgouget/

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