On Tue, 29 Jul 1997, Steve Phillips wrote:

> Is there a HOWTO on howto upgrade from 1.3.x to unstable with libc6? 
> I'm the new maintainer for uudeview and now have a machine available to
> run as a developement machine.  I tried to upgrade to unstable with
> dselect, first upgrading dpkg, but just ran into a maze of dependicies
> that left my machine a mess.  I had to re-install 1.3.1 on it.

Okay, a few tricks I can think of first off.

1) Use dselect to purge all of the -dev packages on your system, they will
   all need to be replaced with libc6 based packages, most likely included
   in hamm.  Getting rid of the bo -dev packages will solve a majority of
   your dependancy problems.
2) Manually retrieve and install the latest libc6 package.  This will save
   a lot of headaches in trying to install all the new libc6 based stuff.
3) Manually retrive the latest bash, libreadline2, and libreadlineg2
   packages.  Install all of them on one dpkg command line.

Most of the rest of the packages should upgrade with no problem.  You may
want to install altgcc and the various -altdev packages if you wish to
continue to compile libc5 based programs.  Library packages with g at the
end of their names are the libc6 linked libraries, if libraries are linked
with a different version of libc than the program they're linked to,
strange problems may develop.

- -- 
                     |    If you will practice being fictional for a while,
   Scott K. Ellis    |            you will understand that fictional
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |          characters are sometimes more real than
                     |            people with bodies and heartbeats.
                     |                       -- Illusions

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