>>"George" == George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> You sound just like my wife, bless her heart. She advances equally
>> cogent (near identical, in fact) arguments detailing to me exactly
>> why Microsoft operating sytems are so much, much better than the
>> garbage that Unix puts out.

George> Now, now.  I was not talking about being brain dead, just
George> talking about saftware that you can program in language that
George> is more like what you think in rather than in code.

        You're right, that wsa a cheap shot. I do apologize. 

        I was merely defending an extremely useful and facile
 program. It is quite the rage, righ now, to malign sendmail, and with
 some justofocation. Sendmail.cf has one of the highest learning
 curves in the business. 

        Hacking sendmail.cf is a mindset. Once you get into it (lord
 help me, I've been there), there is an elegant simplicity about the

        Sendmail, though quite complicated to configure, allows for
 some fairly sophisticated mail handling. Sometimes I think that gets
 lost in the noise.

 Chaotic Evil means never having to say you're sorry.
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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