> I've been noticing quite in interesting trend, lately.
> Seems most newbies to Linux, way back when, would use
> Slackware. 'cause that was the only thing available.
> Nowadays, since you can buy Red Hat at Fry's, and Egghead, and every
> other electronics store in the US, it seems there are throbbing hordes
> of newbies running it. (At least that's what I've determined in
> comp.os.linux.misc :)
> But! On the linux-kernel developers' list, most people are talking
> about Debian.
> Perhaps Debian's becoming the developers' OS of choice, while Red Hat
> is replacing Slackware as the introduction to Linux.
> Thoughts?

I'd love the intention of Debian to support its image as 
"developer's OS of choice". 

Alex Y.

 _( )_
(     (o___           +-------------------------------------------+
 |      _ 7           |            Alexander Yukhimets            |
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