Well, I have an application for a subset of debian.  It would be a great
learning opportunity for me to learn more about building Debian packages,
etc.  One of the things I need to do for it is configure it with some
changes to the default smail config. 

One of the beauties on using Debian for this is that whenever we we modify
our UUCP routing tables, the updates for the sites could be distributed as
.deb packages and can be set up quickly and painlessly.

sbay.org is a community network in the Silicon Valley in California.  We
provide community access to email and limited Usenet news by UUCP relay
from site to site around San Francisco Bay. Many of the sites are
converting from DOS BBS systems (mostly waffle) to Linux.  To make this
less painful, I wanted to provide a distribution of Linux that includes a
set of applications that would be known to work in our environment. 

The major things would be:


If anyone is interested in having a look at what we do, you are welcome to
have a glance at www.sbay.org

On 31 Jul 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Alec Clews writes:
> > If this is already a work in progress please let me know.
> You might want to look at the seul project (http://www.seul.org/).  They
> are right now choosing between rpm and dpkg.  They seem to be heading in
> the direction of a totally new distribution which IMHO is a poor idea.  If
> they continue that way, I would be willing to help with Debian-Lite (let's
> not call it that, though).
> John Hasler
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler)
> Dancing Horse Hill
> Elmwood, WI
> --
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George Bonser
Why is it that the same people that tell us that manned space flight
is a waste of money also tell us that we have been visited by aliens?

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