On Jul 29, George Bonser wrote:
> If you have one system that is your all-around linux box, I would suggest
> that you go with cnews. 

Is this really necessary? If you have only little news traffic, you should
consider the leafnode package. It is a zero-admin news server... easy to
configure, and very small.

> If you are setting up a dedicated news machine,
> use INN and load it with as much RAM as you can afford plus a little more.
> On Tue, 29 Jul 1997, Bruno O. M. Simoes wrote:
> > Hi 
> > As I asked before, I also would like to know if there's a recomended _news_
> > server
> > Regards
> > Bruno

Thank you, Marcus

"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."
Marcus Brinkmann

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