"AC" == Alec Clews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  >>  That's why the name Debian-lite makes me sick. It reminds me of
  >> those commercial products where you have to pay for a full
  >> version of the product.

  AC> OK. How about Debian-Desktop?  (Debian-BBS, Debian-ISP etc)

  AC> Regards, Alec -- Alec Clews, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, PGP
  AC> keyid:48FA EB81 TCA Consulting Ltd Tel. 44-(0)171-415-8159
  AC> Fax:44-(0)171-556-0022 New CIty Court, 20 St Thomas Street,
  AC> London, Britain, SE1 9SD ====================== Usual
  AC> Disclaimers Apply ===================== Personal and PGP key
  AC> http://www.earth.demon.co.uk/alec

        How about Deb-One (it's sound like debian, but built for one
special task, or just for one user) ?

        Pierre Blanchet.

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