Alan Eugene Davis wrote:
> Netscape 3.01 won't start.  It ran fine for a week or so, then it
> started balking.  The disk lights up for a few seconds, but the window
> never opens.  The PID is still there, and a second effort results in a
> message window informing the user that there is a lock file in
> ~/.netscape.
> Previously, when this first started to happen, I could get it to work
> with "netscape -iconic&", and then click on the icon.  Now, the icon
> doesn't even show up.
> I reinstalled the package, but no changes.
> I imagine I might have walked over some libraries.
> Does any of this sound familiar to anyone?
> Alan Davis

With all the problems with java support in 3.xx I'd just upgrade to
Communicator 4.01b6 which is sigificantly more stable.  I heard that
4.02b7 is out for Linux, so I'll have to give that a try.


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