On Sun, 27 Jul 1997, D. W. Wieboldt wrote:

> Good suggestion.  I think it is indeed timing out for want of a good
> lookup.  Have host name in /etc/hosts but that doesn't help.  Now howto
> hack sendmail into submission!  Does anybody know the simple fix to the
> .cf file to make it run?  Thanks all!

One beneficial fix is to install the bind package (or find a convenient,
well-connected-to-your-LAN-if-you have-one name server) and set it up to
be primary or secondary for the reverse mapping of your IP address(es).  I
set up a dial-on-demand router for a computer store, and sendmail startup
took forever until I configured named to be a secondary for the ISP's
modems' subnet x.x.x.in-addr.arpa and the store subnet
x.x.x.in-addr.arpa .  Bingo! No more delays (at least for that
reason...now the delay is the squid boot sequence).


Peter J. Templin, Jr.                   Client Services Analyst
Computer & Communication Services       tel: (717) 524-1590
Bucknell University                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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