Hi !

I have some problems with pine , and don't know if it is a misconfiguration
or bugs in the program - or maybe an intended feature ;) ?

* Pine doesn't always use the specified SMTP server. I have currently an
own SMTP server on port 825 , running under inetd. Pine is configured (
globally ) to use port 825 on this host , where the SMTP server runs too.
After starting pine , the first message sent is sent to port 825 and
placed in the outbound queue or delivered ( via /usr/sbin/sendmail ).
However , the second and further messages are sent to port 25. I didn't
tell pine anything about port 25 ! I said "smtp-server=mail.rosnix:825"
and nothing else. It doesn't seems to be a problem with the server ,
because inetd doesn't log any "Aug  5 12:15:46 focus pinespoofd[24826]:
connect from focus.rosnix" but "23:15:21 focus in.smtpd[7798]: connect
from focus.rosnix". And the SMTP server seems to exit normally.  

* Mail from oneself is displayed incorrectly in the folder index. Instead
of "My Name" , it is labelled "To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]". If this is a feature , I
would like to have an option to turn if off.

* The xterm icon titles are left when pine is exited , and newmail-in-xterm
is enabled. This happens with both standard xterm and rxvt.

Per Eric

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