
Is anyone aware of a POP server (preferably allready packaged
for Debian) which can understand the "AUTH" command?

I have the Qualcomm popper (qpopper) installed on the mail server
right now (qpopper), and sometimes want to use Netscape to read
mail from the workplace, since Qpopper doesn't understand "AUTH"
netscape falls back to plain USER/PASS (it doesn't try APOP, which
is really what I miss).

PS. If anyone is interested, I just finished hacking a "POP to APOP"

gateway which allows me to read mail through netscape without using

plain USER/PASS on the net.



--Amos Shapira                | "Of course Australia was marked for
133/13 Shlomo Ben Yosef st.   |  glory, for its people had been chosen
Jerusalem 93 805              |  by the finest judges in England."
ISRAEL    [EMAIL PROTECTED] |                       -- Anonymous

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