> I am running Debian 1.3.1, and recently trying to run man gives a 
> segmentation fault when run as a normal user (but not when run as root):
> % man man
> Segmentation fault
> xman and tkman work fine.  I was fairly sure I hadn't played with any
> relevant settings - the executable has setuid bit set as I would expect:
> % ls -l /usr/bin/man
> -rwsr-xr-x   1 man      root        71204 May 21 10:40 /usr/bin/man
> testing man with strace also fails as a normal user:
> % strace man
> execve("/usr/bin/man", ["man"], [/* 29 vars */]) = 0
> strace: exec: Operation not permitted
> I am rather puzzled, so any ideas gratefully received!

This happened to me too.  I did not try any of the diagnostics you describe.
I manually ftp'ed the man-db package and reinstalled it with dpkg -i.  
I dont know what caused the problem, but that fixed it.


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