Hi there.., I am a newbie in linux( debian ), I had just installed the
debian linux in hdb1, but I had trouble configuring the lilo, my system is
166mmx, 64 megs of sdram, previously installed NT40 and win95, can anyone
out there please tell me where to start with this so call lilo? Please..

The next will be installing the inet stuffs, like browser, mail, news and
irc client.., can anyone suggest me a good one, where how am I going to
start.., I am totally blind with this new os, how am I going to connect to
my Isp? 

Actually I had a lot more to ask, but I think it will be enough for this

ps. I can not find any book regarding linux or unix in my country
(Indonesia), but I had ordered unix unleashed, so it will take some time
for me to get it.


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