Nils Inge Lilleheie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have problems when I try to boot from the (binary) official CD on the 
> Digital Celebris GL180 PC's.
> The PC recognize the CD to be bootable and displays:
>    LDLINUX.SYS 1.30 96/11/04 Copyright (C) 1994-96 H. Peter Arvin
> on the screen, but nothing more happens......
> Does anybody know what might be the solution to this problem ?
> With regards

What kind of BIOS do you have for booting from CD-ROM?  I have the
Adaptec 2940 (BIOS v1.23) with SCSI CD-ROM drive and run into the same
problem (with Debian 1.3.1 as distributed by the german J.F.-Lehmann
book shop).

I assume it is some kind of BIOS problem, maybe I need a BIOS update
of the SCSI controller for bootable CD-ROMs to work.

BTW: I also tried the bootable FreeBSD 2.2.2 CD-ROM from Walnut with
     exactly the same result.  


"What a depressingly stupid machine"
                              The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
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