Lindsay Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Is hello_1-13.deb still current?  I am trying to learn the gentle art of
> package making, but this is what happens with dpkg-source.
> elm# dpkg-source -x /cdrom/stable/source/misc/hello_1.3-13.dsc

You need to be in the same directory where you are doing the
unpacking, so you need to do something like the following:

  cd ~
  cp /cdrom/stable/source/misc/hello_1.3-13.* .
  dpkg -x hello_1.13-13.dsc

> elm# dpkg --build hello-1.3

You probably don't want to be calling dpkg --build directly.  Try
something like this:

  cd hello-1.3


  cd hello-1.3
  debian/rules build

The latter is if you just want to build the .deb package and not the
source and diff packages and the changes file.

(You could (and probably eventually should) replace the "su" step with
the -rsudo (or something similar) option to dpkg-buildpackage, but I
didn't want to make things any more complicated than this to start).

> In fact hello contains " debian/" rather than "DEBIAN/".  

debian/ is correct.  The DEBIAN directory is just a temporary
directory created during the package build steps which are put in
motion with dpkg-buildpackage.

You should install the dpkg-dev package (if you haven't already) and
look at /usr/doc/dpkg/packaging.html/index.html and


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