The following is a request for comments.  I put together this sample from
news this past week.  I really think this should be more than a one person
project, so if anyone wants to help out, please drop me a line.
 _                                                                       _
                  T H E  D E B I A N  N E W S L E T T E R                  
                    Issue: #1     Date: August 10, 1997
 _                                                                       _

[ you are really getting this from debian-user as a request for comments ]
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In this weeks issue:               
  General Debian News:
    Problems with master
    Debian project calls for donation of Net Hosting Services
  Upgrade Notices:
    How to safely go to libc6.
    Netscape 4.02b7 problems.
 _                                                                       _

| General Debian News: Problems with Master. appears to be having problems lately.  This may cause
some delays with new releases.  Non-developers are reminded not to use
master.  If you need to access master's incoming directory, the following
mirrors should work:
You are also asked to use a local mirror instead of  A
full list of mirrors is available at:

| General Debian News: Debian project calls for donation of Net Hosting
|                      Services

Bruce Perens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made the following announcement on
debian-announce this past week:


Software in the Public Interest is the non-profit organization that
produces the Debian GNU/Linux system. We find ourselves in need of some
Internet hosting services, and solicit their donation.

1. Developer's Master System

This is the "master" version of our FTP archive. The developers upload
to it, perform various system maintenance tasks such as compilation of
programs, and a few "primary" FTP mirror sites mirror it nightly. Our
other 75 mirror sites mirror the "primary" ones. We need T1-equivalent
bandwidth to internet, about 7GB disk, at least a 486 processor, and at
least 32MB RAM. The system must run Debian 1.3 . We can restrict the
time in which we use large portions of your bandwidth so that it is
outside of your regular business hours.  We need to have the root
password for this system, and we will perform most system
administration tasks except for backups.  Because of the security
implications, you may prefer to site this system outside of your

This system was until recently provided by I-Connect, which is going
through a business change. We had a "hot standby" at Novare
International, which is currently functioning as the master system.
Your donation would either become the master system or the hot

2. Webmaster's Master System

This task is currently happening on the "master" system, but we would
like to decentralize. This is the master copy of our web site. The
actual web pages are served by several different mirror systems, but
the CGI scripts execute on this system directly. We need T1-equivalent
bandwidth to internet, about 4GB disk (including a local mirror of our
FTP archive) and at least 32MB RAM. The system must run Debian 1.3 . We
can restrict the time in which we use large portions of your bandwidth
so that it is outside of your regular business hours. We need the
ability to manage the web server and the CGI scripts. Because of the
security implications, you may prefer to site this system outside of
your firewall.

3. Mailing List Services

We operate a mailing list system with 218,000 deliveries per day.  We
need to install our own mail delivery agent for the list (Qmail or Exim
are fine, others are probably too slow), and we need some mailer
configuration which we can provide or you can perform if you don't want
to give out the root password. This system requires T1-equivalent
bandwidth to the net, and at least a 486 with 32MB RAM and 1GB disk.
The system must run Unix or Linux. We are currently operating the
primary list server on the same machine as the Developer's Master
System, and would like to decentralize. We also run a hot-standby for
this system. The actual net bandwidth used by the system is bursty, and
generally much less than T1-equivalent. It runs 150 deliveries
concurrently and spends much of its time waiting for other SMTP servers
to respond.

If you have any questions, please respond to me at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        Many Thanks

        Bruce Perens
        Debian Project Leader

| Upgrade Notices: How to Safely Go to libc6.

   Some people have reported unusuable systems after trying to upgrade to
libc6.  In order to safely upgrade, the following was suggested by:
> From: "Scott K. Ellis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 1) Use dselect to purge all of the -dev packages on your system, they
>    will all need to be replaced with libc6 based packages, most likely
>    included in hamm.  Getting rid of the bo -dev packages will solve a
>    majority of your dependancy problems.
> 2) Manually retrieve and install the latest libc6 package.  This will
>    save a lot of headaches in trying to install all the new libc6 based
>    stuff.
> 3) Manually retrive the latest bash, libreadline2, and libreadlineg2
>    packages.  Install all of them on one dpkg command line.
> Most of the rest of the packages should upgrade with no problem.  You
> may want to install altgcc and the various -altdev packages if you wish
> to continue to compile libc5 based programs.  Library packages with g at
> the end of their names are the libc6 linked libraries, if libraries are
> linked with a different version of libc than the program they're linked
> to, strange problems may develop.

| Upgrade Notices: Netscape 4.02b7 Problems

The latest sources for communicator may be hard to find on netscapes ftp
sites: (this author had luck with ftp6, but it may change)
To install, extract the tar-gzip file, read the readme, and run the
ns-install script (you will be prompted for the target directory).  Users
will have to set the variable MOZILLA_HOME to the target directory.  The
only problem so far is that helper apps (like realaudio) will fail because
of a bug in bash.  The solution is to upgrade to bash 2.01 from unstable.

 _                                                                       _

Author: Brandon Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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