Michael Bravo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
> I have the stable 1.3.1 installed. However, as I look at unstable on
> the ftp, I see lots of much more up-to-date and needed
> packages.... built with libc6.  I have browsed through the mailing
> list archives, and found bits and pieces concerning the upgrade to
> libc6, but no definitive guide. Could the knowledgeable people
> answer some of the questions below, w/ private email if possible, as
> I'm not subscribed to the list and can only look up the webified
> archives. I will summarize any useful info I get and post to the
> list.
> - is it worth it to have both libc5 & libc6 at the same time?


> - in other words, if I have only libc6, do I get to run libc5-based
>   packages? (I think not)

You can have installed both versions simultanously.  However, I think
you can have only one development version installed, the people who
reported problems probably replaced their libc5-dev with libc6-dev and
run into problem because some libraries were missing.

I have libc6 installed just for the current leafnode version to work.
If you get some useful package that are linked against libc6 you
should install it, I cannot think of any problem (of you install the
shared lib only!).  However, you will still have a libc5 based system
(because new compiled programs will be linked against libc5) with the
ability to execute programs built with libc6.

> - if there're people who installed libc6 additionally to libc5,
>   starting from plain vanilla 1.3.1, could you please share a
>   step-by-step guide?

Just fetch the package (wait a moment ...) libc6_2.0.4-1.deb and
install it using

   dpkg -i libc6_2.0.4-1.deb

No more, no less.

> - in the advice already posted, I noticed the stuff about locales in
>   libc5 postinst. What got me interested is the ru_RU line (my
>   locale). Why is it mapped to ISO8859-5 instead of the proper
>   KOI8-R ? Or it is not mapped? Then what is the do_locale thing
>   doing. And does that mean that my combination of stable libc5 and
>   wg15-locale w/ 'export LANG=ru_RU' doesn't actually work as
>   expected?

I can't help you there.  I use the de_DE locale and ISO-8859.1 is the
correct choice for me.


"What a depressingly stupid machine"
                              The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
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