The fix to the below problem was:

As root:
/usr/sbin/tzconfig  # a menu driven program for changing timezones
/usr/sbin/clock -s  #  sets the time *from* CMOS

Thanks to Brandon Mitchell and Damir J. Naden for the information.


Brandon Mitchell wrote:
> > I just realized a *stupid* mistake.  My BIOS clock is set to EDT and I
> > told UNIX it was in EST at installation.  Is there an easy fix for this?
> > I've got everthing else installed and working great--I can't handle a
> > re-install ;\
> I've never done this before (always got it right during installation),
> but: 1) the command is /usr/sbin/tzconfig, 2) the file it edits is
> /etc/timezone, 3) I saw this looking in /var/lib/dpkg/info/timezone.list.
> Good luck,
> Brandon
> -----
> Brandon Mitchell                         E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Homepage:
> "We all know Linux is does infinite loops in 5 seconds."
>         --Linus Torvalds
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