Hi there again!

>  >more surprises! ;)  Everything compiled ok but when I got to step 7 there 
>  >is a hard error message when the ./qmail-config script tries to run 
>  >./dnsfq hostname.  It reports hard error!
>  >
>  >Have any of you qmail installed on Debian?  Did you encounter this 
>  >problem?  If so how to go about fixing it?
>  >
>  >I am also somewaht confused on the impact of installing a non-package 
>  >program into the filesystem doing things manually...?
> Well, why not use the *.deb package from project/experimental then?

I have done that and the installation still shows the 'hard error' message.
> Anyway, IIRC qmail-config tries to create file /var/qmail/control/me that
> contains
> eris.dev.null 
> on my box -- use vi and put your fqdn there. 
> (I think it's in the docs actually.)

That's true and I can easily create a file control/me with my fqdn but 
the problem is I am not familiar at all with qmail and that script seems 
to put other into in control...

Anyways I guess I have no other choice but to setup the control/* files 
myself... any one care to give me a hand :)  The purpose of installing 
qmail (apart from the fun of learning) is to use ti as an SMTP gateway to 
a heavy duty mailing list (~200,000 messages/day).

Thank you.


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