Robert S. Ross writes:
> I could use some help with some basic questions that have me puzzled.
> 1. How do I get Linux to boot from the HD? I am using System Commander,
> and it will call LILO if configured.

What's the question?  You've already mentioned lilo, the linux

> 2. Does XFree come with Debian, and if so, how do I run it? If not,
> where do I get the complete package. The web site has all kinds of
> stuff, I am not sure how to get it.

Sure it comes with Debian GNU/Linux.  Please take a look at
/debian/stable/source/x11/xfree* and

Using the normal installation routine you normally install it.  AFAIK
it's preselected and you only have to select the correct X-server.

> 3. How do I dial the Internet, and can I use the Netscape Unix to
> browse? Thanks.

Use ppp, look at /etc/ppp/

The browser has nothing to do with the dialin.  If configured that
way any ip packet which is going to get routed outside of your
machine can cause it to start a connection to your provider.
(hint: diald, isdntools)



  / Martin Schulze  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  26129 Oldenburg /
 /                 Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only /
/          proved it correct, not tried it.  -- Donald E. Knuth /

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