I've been mirroring ftp.debian.org and a few other sites to make custom
CD-ROMs for friends and family.  I have a 64K nailed-up ISDN connection
I use for this.

The problem I keep running into with mirror is that it usually fails with
timed-out transfers, and then returns a zero exit status.  So the only
way I can get my mirror up-to-date is to run a script that continuously
re-runs mirror.  I can then kill this script by hand when it looks like
my archive is up-to-date.

It would be nice if I could just have mirror re-run as long as it has not
successfully completed a full pass.  Then I could schedule it from cron...

Has anyone run into similar problems mirroring large FTP sites?
Any solutions?  Debian is 1.7gb and growing!



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