
I apologize for the long message but I figure I'd better lay out all the
errors.  I'm having some unusual compilation problems on a new machine I'm
setting up. When I try a make depend on some code, I often get one or more
of the following errors: 

f77 -I./inc -cpp -g -C  -c routine.F  -o ./routine.o
mv: routine.c: I/O error
/usr/bin/f77: routine.c: No such file or directory
mv: /tmp/gc.8744: No such file or directory
cc: routine.c: No such file or directory
cc: No input files

If it gets past this stage, I get the following after linking:

f77 -cpp -g -C [all object files] -o phdst -L/usr/cern/97a/lib -lkernlib
-lpacklib -lmathlib
other_routine.o: file not recognized: I/O error

Occasionally, I won't even get that far, since when I try a make, I get:

make: getcwd: : I/O error

or even

Assembler messages:
FATAL: Can't create some_routine.o: I/O error

The specific object or source file constantly changes. That is, if I retry
the make command repeatedly, it will cycle through an arbitrary number of
existing object files and decide it doesn't like them. Same with linking.
If I'm lucky, after 5 or 6 tries, I'll get a working executable but
evidently, something's very wrong. Here are some (I think) relevant
packages that I have installed:

ii  netbase         2.13-1         Basic TCP/IP networking binaries
ii  netstd          2.13-1         Networking binaries and daemons for 
ii  f77reorder      2.25-2         f77 compiler script calling f2c/gcc.
ii  sed             2.05-12        The GNU sed stream editor.
ii  gawk            3.0.2-1        GNU awk, a pattern scanning and
ii  mawk            1.3.3-1        a pattern scanning and text processing

Since most or all of these are from stable, I can't see why they'd be
causing a problem. It looks like all of these problems are just different
manifestations of the same problem (ie, Linux can't stat the file in
question), but I can't imagine why it has trouble with a file and 5
seconds later *doesn't* but has trouble with *another* file. Is this the
fault of nfs? I'm hoping I don't have to reinstall the entire system.... 


J. Goldman

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