On Wed, 20 Aug 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > how do i get a vc or an xterm to recognize and print vt100 print
> > sequences?
> > this is what i want to be able to do, in a nutshell:
> > my.debian.machine% rsh other.debian.machine vtprint foo.txt
> > thus causing foo.txt to be printed on the printer which is physically
> > connected to "my.debian.machine"
> why not using remote printing?

yes, i could print a file that way.  but what if what i want to print is
not a file?  say i'm telnetted to some random remote host, and i'm using
lynx on this host. i have no shell access, and the only print command
available is:
"Use ANSI print sequence to print to attached printer"

if i'm in any windoze telnet program, it'll print.  in debian, nope.
how do i make it work?


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