
        I think while the current 1.3.1 was being created, there was
 an error, making 1.3.1 replace (instead of add a few packages to)
 1.3. That, though regrettable, shall not be repeated.

        As to bug fixed in bo-updates, they have not yet been
 released, they are in the test phase, and as soon as the testing
 group has vetted them, they shall appear as 1.3 r2 (or something
 similar -- I am not the release master, nor am I involved in the
 testing/release process, so I could be in error).

 not sure exactly what I'm explaining at the moment
 "The personal computer market is about the same size as the total
 potato chip market. Next year it will be about half the size of the
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Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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