Hello Dave and Paul.

It's nice that you have all this energy available to carry on this
discussion, but I've grown quite weary of reading you posts.  Thus, I'm
probably going to take Dave's advice, from one of his early messages, and
make some new entries in my kill file.  Before I do kill one or more
addresses, I'd like to say a few things.

(1) If you want to affect Debian policy decisions, you need to convince
the developers, not the users.  The user list is busy enough as it is.
Why don't you try the debian-devel or debian-policy mailing lists?

(2) The developers voted for our Social Contract.  We seem to be
proceeding within its guidelines.  If you two can't stand what's
happening, you can feel free to start your own distribution based on the
current snapshot of Debian GNU/Linux.

(3) The change in the revision name system is truly minor.  You guys have
just plain blown it up into something to yell about.  We will get through
the small amount of confusion, and everything will be fine, with or
without all the ranting and raving.

(4) Regarding the idea of incorporation.  You guys missed the boat on that
one.  The idea was brought up more than a year ago, and was discussed from
time to time on the devel list.  If you guys wanted a voice in policy, you
should have been active on the devel mailing list.  If you, Dave, keep
bagging on the developers, I doubt that any of them will listen to any
points that you might have.  You seem to think that yelling at a group of
volunteers will get them to do more work for you.


P.S. You guys make me :-(


Syrus Nemat-Nasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    UCSD Physics Dept.

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