>>"Fire" == Fire Brand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Fire> I have to admit that I like 1.3.1 or 1.3.2 (or even
Fire> better than 1.3.r1-fruit-files_your_mom.another-minor-change.

        The last bit is a wee bit of FUD.

Fire> Mainly, pick a numbering system -- *then_stick_with_it*.

        We have -- the next release shall be 1.3.1 r1, followed by
 1.3.1 r2, and so on. There will be numbers on *all* releases. Some
 people are objecting to the format of the release numbering, is all.

 There was a young peasant named Gorse Who fell madly in love with his
 horse. Said his wife, "You rapscallion, That horse is a stallion--
 This constitutes grounds for divorce."
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mobile, Alabama USA            <url:http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>

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