> I know that LILO exists, but all of the messages I've read so far seem
> to imply that I will have to format my drive. I really, really don't
> want to do this. Any other solutions short of buying Partition Magic?
> I have a 2.1 gig C: and a 1.1 gig D:. Win95 resides on C:. 

Yes.  You can format D: and install Linux there, instead of on C:.
You might have to reinstall any applications that were installed to
D:.  Obviously, you should copy all files off d: before you fdisk and
format it.

Depending on your BIOS, you might need more than one partition on C:
to boot off it using LILO, although you could put LOADLIN on D: to get
around that.
> P.S. I haven't got enough money to buy a Zip to back my stuff up.....

Get one.  Or something.  Backups are not optional if you're smart.
Carl Fink               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum
"I don't mind being called a greedy, satanic terrorist." -Scott Adams

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