On Fri, 22 Aug 1997, Dave Cinege wrote:

> > Until the copyright is assigned, they get the same international
> > protection as any other copyright holder, and the work is still
> > "theirs."
> >
> > As an anarchist, surely you understand that all property is a
> > creature of the state that creates and recognizes it.
> As an anarco-capitalist (minarchist if you wanna get technical) I
> understand the state does not inherently own everything. In fact it
> owns nothing. (No matter what it may think)

that's right. you loony libertarians just refuse to admit that property
"rights" are granted BY the State.  Without a State to maintain
(enforce) legal fictions there is no such thing as property.

> Even though you've heard me mention the term, I don't believe in      
> collectism. (certainly not if it is forced) But what Debian IS, is a  
> communal project that is 'owned' (if you can consider it property)    
> by the developers as a whole. 

if you truly believe stuff like that, then why are you attempting to
infringe on our rights by telling us what to do with our property?

oh, that's right, i forgot: one of the benefits of subscribing to
lunatic fringe political/economic theories is that you don't have to
remain consistent within your ideological or ethical frame-work. you
can chop and change whenever you like...in fact, the more insane and
outrageous the inconsistency, the better.

> I'm not anti commercialism! I own my own damn business for god

debian is many things to many people.

who the hell are you to define what debian is and isn't about?

> If you are the wiser just tell me "Dave you're insane. Here's the law,
> and some cases that prove otherwise" and I'll be quiet.

Dave, you're insane.  you've already admitted that you're an
anarcho-capitalist.  that's good enough evidence for me.

> But please don't disreguard what I've said based purely on your
> disagreement with my poiltics. I feel I've raised some very valid
> points.

you've found one person who (at least partially) agrees with you or
considers your points valid. i don't think i've seen anyone else
agreeing with you.  Now normally I think that democracy and popular
decisions are for sheep, but i've worked with people in debian for
long enough to have a great deal of respect for the intelligence and
competence of the debian team.

(one of the reasons i like debian is that there are some very smart
people involved, making some very smart decisions).


craig sanders
networking consultant                  Available for casual or contract
temporary autonomous zone              system administration tasks.

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